To strengthen collaboration for a better future for the children in Bangka District, SEAMEO RECFON visited Bangka District to monitor and evaluate the Early Childhood Care and Nutrition Education (ECCNE) Program implementation  on 22-23 July 2024.

On 22 July 2024, SEAMEO RECFON team conducted Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in the Bangka Regent’s Office with 12 parents and 6 ECE teachers from 3 ECE units as the alumni of ECCNE Training Program in 2023, namely TK Pembina Sungailiat, PAUD IT Biruni, and RA Al Hidayah Cendrawasih. The FGD aimed to explore the implementation of parenting session in ECE units, as well as its challenges and opportunities. The discussion commenced with the remarks from the Head of Education, Youth, and Sports Office and Head of ECD Division.

To monitor the implementation of the school meals program, as well as handwashing and toothbrushing practices, SEAMEO RECFON team visited RA Al Hidayah Cendrawasih and PAUD IT Biruni on 23 July 2024,. In addition, the team also conducted discussions with the school principals about the challenges, opportunities, and future improvement for the implementation of ECCNE Program in ECE units.

In addition, the meeting also involved partnership coordination between SEAMEO RECFON, the Bangka District Government, and the Pangkal Pinang Health Polytechnic. The parties committed to continue the collaboration in strengthening the stunting prevention program through Holistic Integrative ECD (PAUD HI) with local food-based recommendation (FBR). The meeting was attended by various local government representatives, including the Regional Secretary, Head of Planning and Development Agency, Head of the Health Office, Governance Section, as well as representatives from Education, Youth and Sports Office, Health Office, Food and Agriculture Office, and Pangkal Pinang Health Polytechnic.