Celebrating Indonesia’s National Nutrition Day, the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) and SEAMEO RECFON held a webinar on “Child Development Monitoring with Child Development Card (KKA)” on January 25, 2024 morning. Dr (HC). dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG (K) (Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency/BKKBN) delivered his keynote speech which highlighted the importance of child development monitoring as the early detection for stunting prevention. As the resource person, Dr. Umi Fahmida (SEAMEO RECFON’s Expert, Country Lead of AASH Indonesia), presented the initial findings of the study about child development measured using KKA and its association with stunting in the cohort study of Action Against Stunting Hub (AASH) in East Lombok. Representatives of cadres and teachers of early childhood care center (PAUD) from Aikmel and Sikur Sub-districts were also invited in this webinar to share their experiences and commitment in monitoring child development using KKA.
In the afternoon, the Indonesian Nutrition Association (PERSAGI) of East Lombok in collaboration with SEAMEO RECFON held a webinar to disseminate findings from Agrifood in the Action Against Stunting Hub (AASH) Indonesia and quality control of anthropometry measurements, which was presented by Dr.Umi Fahmida (SEAMEO RECFON’s Expert, Country Lead of AASH Indonesia). This webinar was attended by the Dr. Pathurrahman, SKM, M.Kes (Head of District Health Office, East Lombok District) and Mr. M. Subhan, SKM (Chief of the Indonesian Nutrition Association or DPC PERSAGI, East Lombok District), and were attended by all members of Indonesian Nutrition Association of East Lombok District.